My name is Stefan Grit, born on 29 September 1986 in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands.

At a young age, I was introduced to photography by my father and learnt to shoot with analogue cameras. this interest has always remained but was then done only occasionally over the years.

After a difficult period in 2016, I was looking for peace, I decided to grab my dslr camera that was barely used at the time and go out once early in the morning to take some pictures of the sunrise. Once home, I felt completely relaxed and clear-headed and so decided to start doing this every weekend to get rid of all the stress and process what had happened over the past months. I decided to share my photos on social media, the sounds I got from friends and family were overwhelming and heartwarming.Slowly, I decided to tell my story through my photos by showing a reflection of my emotions in them and shared them with the world. Still the priority for me is to relax during and through photography.

I prefer to photograph landscapes, forests, night skies and waterfalls. in particular, I love waterfalls because of the movement of the water which i like to freeze in a long exposere to give a silky look to define motion. For me, waterfalls have something mystical. partly because I have always loved being near water. through the past few years I have already visited beautiful places abroad especially for photography and there is much more to come.

If this appeals to you and you want to follow my story through my photos, follow me on Instagram.

Thanks for your time and visit,

Stefan Grit.